- #Peppermint patty charlie brown Patch
- #Peppermint patty charlie brown full
- #Peppermint patty charlie brown series
She later graduated and found out to her total humiliation later when the principal of her regular school explained what she had done. Furthermore, Peppermint Patty enrolled into the Ace Obedience School at Snoopy's recommendation, took the curriculum with the other dogs and never seriously questioned why she was the only human participating in that manner. Peppermint Patty's obtuseness got even more pronounced such as when she applied to a school for Gifted Children with a big sack expecting to receive things until the school representative explained to her embarrassment the complete misunderstanding she had about the institution. During a scuffle with Marcie, Snoopy's doghouse (which she thinks is a “guest cottage”) is destroyed, and Marcie finally convinces her friend that Snoopy is a beagle, not a "funny looking kid with a big nose." Her realization came during a period when she refused to go to school and instead attempted to stay with Snoopy. Peppermint Patty can be dimwitted until March 21, 1974, she did not realize that Snoopy was a dog. Peppermint Patty finds out that Snoopy is not human in the strip from March 21, 1974. This has been explained by saying that her father works late, and she is too insecure to sleep until he returns home. Peppermint Patty's bad grades are possibly exacerbated by her tendency to sleep through class.
#Peppermint patty charlie brown series
She also finds patterns in her true-or-false tests, and often says her answers out loud ("True! False! False! True!") In a series of strips from 1984, Peppermint Patty is held back a grade for failing all of her classes-only to be allowed to return to her old class when her old desk in front of Marcie starts to emit snoring noises, leading children and faculty alike to suspect that the classroom is haunted by a "snoring ghost". In one comic strip, she got a Z-, which she called "sarcasm".
#Peppermint patty charlie brown full
She is widely known for receiving a D− grade on every test or assignment in school (in 1999, the final full year of Peanuts, her teacher presented her with a certificate placing her in the "D-Minus Hall of Fame"). Peppermint Patty can often be very lazy, especially when it comes to school. You go and speak for me.Peppermint Patty is well known for her identity as a tomboy she often plays sports and is probably the jock of the Peanuts gang. I think maybe you should go to Chuck and tell him yourself. You go and see him and tell him I really like it and I think the dinner's okay with me. Tell him I didn't mean it the way it sounded.

Maybe you can tell him how I really feel.
#Peppermint patty charlie brown Patch
Marcie, maybe you could go to ole Chuck and patch things up for me. You think I hurt ole Chuck's feelings? I bet I hurt his feelings, huh? Golly, why can't I act right outside of a baseball game? Did he invite you here to dinner, or did you invite yourself, and us, too? Rough? Look at this! Is this what you call a Thanksgiving day dinner? Did we come across town for this? We're supposed to be served a real Thanksgiving dinner!

You were kind of rough on Charlie Brown, weren't you, sir?