You're under a serious amount of stress right now, and those stressors have to be affecting your thoughts and actions. You have a whole lot crammed onto one tiny little plate, and this may sound cliche but maybe this is a blessing in disguise. Katie, I'm so sorry you're going through this. Thanks in advance and send a prayer out for me please
#Med math practice quiz how to
I can't stop crying and any advice on how to deal with my stress in a healthy way would be very much appreciated. I'm really hoping for some words of encouragement, maybe some stories from people who may have failed a class before and everything turned out for the best. I'm terrified I'm wasting the only chance I will ever have to enjoy my youth and have had a hard time coping with all the stress. I'm a 23 year old mother in college with no time to myself to be a young adult. I feel overburdened between bad financial struggles, lack of time to study without interruption from my three year old, an inability to keep the house from looking like anything less than a disaster (it's either clean or study) and a kind of quarter life crisis.
#Med math practice quiz trial
My husband and I are having problems and are going through an on and off trial separation. This means I will have no classes to take, which means my grants will stop and I will have to begin paying back my student loans if I am not enrolled at least part time. The worse part about it is that I may have to wait a whole year before I can retake the class.

The answer form was tablets, and while I know it's not really possible to give 8/10s of a tablet, I was afraid it was a trick question, like maybe if I put 2 tablets it would have been wrong because that would exceed the safe dosage or something. I got 1.802, answered it 1.8, and was told I was supposed to round up to 2. I am so mad at myself, the question involved grains and the instructions said to round off to the nearest 100th. I had my first ever panic attack only moments before turning in the third test. One day I studied calculations for 4 hours straight with no breaks. It's not like I went in there blind, I studied really hard and refreshed myself. I had to make 90 or above to pass the quiz, and on each try I missed one too many (20 question test, missed 3 each time). In introduction to pharmacology where we learned to do drug calculations, I never made anything less than a 96, even on the final. I am a good student, have never failed ANYTHING before, even before the nursing program. I failed the drug calculations quiz for the third time and was told I would recieve an F for the course. I have been in school for two and a half years and have finally reached my second clinical semester.well, w as in it anyway.

I am 23 year old student and mother of a toddler.